Disciplina KiÄme boasted self-confidently as being the “greatest band in Yugoslavia” back in the late eighties. One thing is certain, they were the most original and it was exciting growing up and learning from their chants. Zerkman was their trumpet player and he passed away at the age of 50. Zerkman was the member of the band in their most glorious period from 1986 to 1991. Although legendary Koja was the undisputed boss in the band, Zerkman’s trumpet was a major contributor to the originality of Disciplina’s sound. The band originally featured only Koja on bass and a guy on a drum set. Then they added trumpets, an extra drum set and took the entire country by surprise. Going into the nineties, Koja and Zerkman from Belgrade, were joined by two Zagreb musicians Gulić and Novoselić and it looked like nothing can stop them. Nothing, but the war. Koja moved to London and when he returned, there was no room for trumpets in the new sound. Just two days before Zerkman suddenly passed away, Zerkman joined Disciplina once again on the stage, but that was also his last stand. Today we dedicate this show to him, and to the incredible sound of his trumpet that changed my life. I can only hope that the music you learned in your formative years was half as exciting as this one.
Disciplina KiÄme – ZaÅ¡to;
Disciplina KiÄme – DeÄja pesma;
Disciplina KiÄme – Iza 9 brda;
Disciplina KiÄme – Da li ti znaÅ¡ za neki drugi ritam;
Funk-y-stretch – FLCZ II;
Zerkman’s Big Bang – Emrald;
Disciplina KiÄme- Zemlja svetlosti;
Disciplina KiÄme – Love Removal Machine;
Disciplina KiÄme – Ne ne ne;
Disciplina KiÄme – Manitua mi 2;
Disciplina KiÄme – Prijatelj sa maÅ¡tom;
Zerkman’s Big Bang – Cermes;
Disciplina KiÄme – Planeta dosade.
Wow, I am blown away at the style of this band, through all iterations they were well ahead of their time, and all the players were definately great musicians. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Phil Badell