Flashlite #794

Leyla McCalla

Today we check out exciting new music from venerable Ian Hunter. Also Kid Congo is back with his Pink Monkey Bird and a new album. Afghan Whigs published a cool new Lou Reed cover. Amy Rigby has a new single and Leyla McCalla has a new album. Speedways have a new compilation record out and we introduce new names for us: Baron Four and Lord Esme.


Lou Reed – I Love You, Suzanne
The Baron Four – Never Feeling Blue
Ian Hunter – People
Ian Hunter – This is what i’m here for
The Reflectors – Supernova
The Speedways – Kisses Are History
Lord Esme – Alison Rhodes
Daniel Romano – All of thee above
The Peanut Butter Conspiracy – Is there anything i can do
Amy Rigby – Dylan In Dubuque (Single Version)
Leyla McCalla – Open The Road
Rosali – Rewind
Emily Wolfe – Road to Ruin
Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds – The Boy Had It All
The Afghan Whigs – I Love You Suzanne
The Afghan Whigs – Demon in Profile
Deep Purple – Love Help Me