Tag Archives: Frank Zappa

Flashlite #204 – Paying Respect To Those That Fell in 2012

Mark ReynoldsIn our first show in 2013, we remember some of the great rock’n’roll heros who left us in the past year. During our year end reviews, we got sad news on passing of Dave Brubeck, a jazz pianist who influenced rock’n’roll greatly. Also, Ray Collins, who was a founding member of Zappa’s Mothers of Invention. And finally, Mark Reynolds who played drums in Carnival Season and on the last tour of the Windbreakres also died. In the reminder of the show, we remember all those that passed away last year and that we recognize here at the Little Lighthouse as the great rock’n’roll characters. Bill Doss from Olivia Tremor Control, Robin Gibb from the Bee Gee’s, Scott McKenzie, Nick Curran, Hal David, Michael Davis from MC5, Joe South, Jon Lord from Deep Purple, Perry Baggs from Jason and The Scorchers, Jennifer Miro from The Nuns, Tusta from KUD Idijoti, MCA from The Beastie Boys, Donald Duck Dunn from Booker T. And The MG’s, Etta James, Bob Babbitt of the Motown Funk Brothers, Doug Dillard, Levon Helm from The Band, Chris Ethridge from The Flying Burrito Brothers, Davy Monkee Jones, Tim Mooney from the American Music Club, Bob Welch and Johnny Perez from Sir Douglas Quintet. We lost too many of them… And in the end, I would also like to dedicate this show to brothers Foley, Steven and Kevin who died in 2008 and 2011, and played in Bash and Pop with Tommy Stinson. Steven also replaced Chris Mars shortly in Replacements towards the end of their career. I only heard about this recently.


The Dave Brubeck Quartet – Take Five;
Bash And Pop – Harboring a Fugitive;
Carnival Season – Manifold Man;
The Olivia Tremor Control – Holiday Surprise;
Bee Gees – Massachussets;
Scott McKenzie – If You’re Going To San Francisco;
Nick Curran & The Lowlifes – Reform School Girl;
Love – My Little Red Book;
MC5 – Poison;
Joe South – Hush;
Deep Purple – Hush;
Jason & The Scorchers – Absolutely Sweet Marie;
The Nuns – You Think You’re The Best;
KUD Idijoti – Darvil;
Beastie Boys – Johnny Ryall;
Booker T. & The MGs – Melting Pot;
Etta James – Money (That’s What I Want);
Temptations – Just In Imagination;
Dillard & Clark – Don’t Let Me Down;
The Band – Strawberry Wine;
The International Submarine Band – I Must Be Somebody Else You’ve Known;
The Monkees – Valleri;
American Music Club – California Dreamin;
Fleetwood Mac – Sentimental Lady;
Sir Douglas Quintet – Mendocino;
Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention – Jelly Roll Gum Drop.

Flashlite #196

Johnny PerezToday we say goodbye to Johnny Perez, who played drums in the early days of The Sir Douglas Quintet. We also play some very interesting reissues from many different heroes of this show. Tav Falco has reissued his debut album Beyond The Magnolia County recently, and the record cover includes a nice four sided description on the early history of the band from the insiders. Legendary first (and only) album by Memphis band Moloch also has a very nice high quality vinyl reissue. Beach Boys and Frank Zappa are reissuing their entire catalog and Velvet Underground’s debut from 1967 saw an extremely expanded 6 disc upgrade. Also there’s a new tribute to the same record, marking a nice 45 year anniversary. Other new stuff is Kurt Baker and his new record, as well as Austin’s Rosie Flores.

Howe Gelb – That’s How Things Get Done;
Kurt Baker – Hit The Ground;
Rosie Flores – Working Girl’s Guitar;
The Mallard – There She Goes Again;
Velvet Underground and Nico – There She Goes Again;
Dinosaur Jr – The Wagon (Live in CLE);
Dinosaur Jr – Forget The Swan;
Nova Mob – Over My Head;
Epic Soundtracks – I Wanna Be Free (As the Lizards);
Tav Falco – Bourgeois Blues;
Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart and The Mothers – Advance Romance;
Moloch – Dance Chaney Dance;
The Beach Boys – I Get Around (2012 Stereo Extraction Mix);
The Sir Douglas Quintet – She’s About A Mover;
The Sir Douglas Quintet – Texas Me.

Flashlite #195

Modern SuperstitionsHear us roar through an hour of music with the speed of light – from zesty hard-core punk to tearful country. You won’t even know what has got you. We start off with the brand new 7″ from the hard core masters from Raleigh, NC. Our old friends Double Negative are back with the thrid and fourth installment of their Hardcore Confusion series. We also introduce Modern Superstitions, a new band from Canada. Then there’s Brooklyn’s own rockers Nude Beach, who present themselves with an extremely accessible, yet uncompromising second album. Zappa’s guitarist Mike Keneally joins forces with XTC’s Andy Partridge for the new album. In the end, we shed a tear with the Sweethearts of The Rodeo.

Chris Brokaw – How to Listen;
Flasheaters – Agony Shorthand;
Double Negative – Safe Word;
Husker Du – What Do I Want;
Redd Kross – Self Respect;
The Spits – Fed Up;
The Osmonds – Crazy Horses;
Electric Six – Crazy Horses (Live in CLE);
Eamon McGrath – I Am The Deer;
Modern Superstitions – Last Nights Dress;
The Pursuit of Happiness – She’s So Young;
Mike Keneally and Andy Partridge – You Kill Me;
Neil Young And Crazy Horse – Psychedelic Pill;
Neil Young – Motorcycle Mama;
Ty Segall – Mother Lemonade;
Nude Beach – Love Can’t Wait;
Dwight Twilley Band – England;
Hoodoo Gurus – Baby Can Dance;
Sweethearts of the Rodeo – I Feel Fine;
Sweethearts of The Rodeo – What Does Love Mean to You;
Les Frères Souchet – Bye Bye Birdy Black.

Flashlite #15

Drazen Vrdoljak with ZappaSad news from Zagreb, folks! Drazen Vrdoljak, one of the most memorable sidemen of Yugoslav rock’n’roll scene died recently at the age of 57. The first part of the show is dedicated to the music he either liked or participated in making. In any case, Drazen Vrdoljak was one of the most enthusiastic promoters of rock music back in the country that I came from. We also have some new stuff at the lighthouse, The Mojomatics are in with the new album Don’t Pretend That You Know Me and Thalia Zedek with Liars and Prayers. Eddy Current Suppression Ring is a new band from Australia and they debut at the Little Lighthouse with Primary Colours LP.

Johnny Cash – I Still Miss Someone
Haustor – pogled u bb
Film – Neprilagoden
Elektricni Orgazam – Svaka nova noc
Buldozer – Ljubav na prvi krevet
Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention – Mother People
The Mojomatics – Clean My Sins
Eddy Current Suppression Ring – Wrapped up
Eckman, Race, Brokaw – Sun City Casino

Come – William
Thalia Zedek Band – We Don’t Go
Kamo sutra – Rodeo
The Wedding Present – Don’t Cry No Tears
Slovenly – Don’t Cry No Tears
Neil Young – Don’t cry no tears
Tim Lee 3 – The Bridge
Howe Gelb – Four Door Maverick

Drazen Vrdoljak 1951-2008

Drazen VrdoljakDrazen Vrdoljak wore the most recognizable moustache on Yugoslav TV, he had the strangest accent on the entire radio scene, but those are all just small funky things about him that don’t really matter at this point in time… The news comes to me that he had passed away recently at the age of 57, leaving a great legacy of rock journalism and rock enthusiasm that is rarely seen anywhere. He started off in the late sixties/early seventies by publishing eloquent and analytic music press texts raising a bar in that branch on the local scene. He moved on to television, but his most important influence lied in his close and friendly ties with musicians. Here is the list of five greatest Drazen’s contributions that made the Yugoslav rock scene the better place:

1) His participation at Buldozer’s 1975 LP Pljuni istini u oci. This LP was by far the most unexpected, the most outrageous LP recorded in Yugoslavia before the new wave. The band was greatly influenced by US avant-garde groups such as The Fugs or Mothers of Invention. Conceptually, it was designed as a tabloid newspaper and each song was one bizarre “article” in it. The LP also caused quite a stir with a controversial cover-art. Drazen helped coming up with the ideas for it.
2) Drazen organized and announced new wave concerts at the height of the Yugoslav new wave. Two greatest live albums ever recorded in Yugoslavia, Film’s Uzivo u Kulusicu and Elektricni Orgazam’s Braco i sestre open with his unforgettable announcements.
3) Drazen made country music cool back home in several ways, he wore publicly western outfits and cowboy boots in the middle of Zagreb, Croatia, he played the coolest country acts in his shows and encouraged formation of local country bands in Zagreb.
4) He helped Haustor record one the greatest new wave singles ever recorded in Yugoslavia Moja prva ljubav and
5) He interviewed Frank Zappa on Yugoslav television back in the early seventies as if he was a regular pop star.

Every local scene needs people like Drazen!