Our show today begins with the new single from John Paul Keith, a musician from Memphis who we follow closely with every project. Faux Killas, also out in Memphis are also back with the new record. We also have new stuff out of Boston. Dinosaur JR has a new single and Barrence Whitfield and his Savages are also back with the new album. We introduce two new names for us from Greece, who come with high recommendations from Paul in Rock XS: The Karamazov Project lead by Panos Pantazopoulos and the retro hard rockers Ribbons of Euphoria. Out in Philadelphia, we introduce a new band for us called Hurry, although they’ve been putting the stuff out for at about eight years now. Remember we said Bellrays have a new ep two shows ago? Well, they also now have a full length, so we check out one of the songs from it.
Kramer – America;
John Paul Keith – Something So Wrong;
Barrence Whitfield and The Savages – Adorable;
Barrence Whitfield and The Savages – Hey Hey Little Girl;
North Mississippi Allstars – Bird Without a Feather;
The Yawpers – Walter (Live in CLE) ;
Ribbons of Euphoria – The Druids are Rising (to the forefront once more);
The Karamazon Project – Monkey Sounds;
I Am The Polish Army – Throat;
Mark of Cain – Lords of Summer;
Dinosaur Jr. – Hold Unknown;
Hurry – On the Streets;
Number Ones – You’re So Happy I Could Cry;
Faux Killas – Give It To Me;
Faux Killas – Middle of the Road;
The Bellrays – I Can’t Hide.