Today we start off with the new Jack Oblivian record. He’s back with the new band The Sheiks and the new album The Lone Ranger of Love. Bazooka is a new band from Greece. Robert Pollard has another new album and we lost the count long time ago. Also from Ohio, we check out the new music from Rocket From The Tombs. The Verbs are Steve Jordan who we know from his collaboration with Keith Richards and Meegan Voss who was with the Poptarts and they have a new cover only album. Jay Gonzales, who we know from his collaboration with Drive By Truckers and who had a nice power pop album in 2012. We listen to The Sadies live in CLE.
Los Lobos – Nachas
Jack Oblivian – Hey Killer;
Bazooka – Achristi Genia;
Spoon – Tear Me Down;
King Mud – Take A Look;
The Rolling Stones – Street Fighting Man;
Robert Pollard – Long Live Instant Pandemonium;
Rocket From The Tombs – Welcome to the New Dark Ages;
Cheese Borger and The Cleveland Steamers – Cleveland;
Motorhead – Victory Or Die;
The Sadies – (Live in CLE);
The Byrds – You Showed Me;
The Verbs – You Showed Me;
Jay Gonzalez – Shenorock Lane;
Jay Gonzalez – The Will;
Holly Golightly – Slowtown;
Stooges – Dirt;
Milk Lines – Can I Stand in Your Sun.